delivering various therapeutic massage modalities that includes Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports, Reflexology, Myofascial Release, Prenatal, Trigger Point and Neuromuscular therapies

Medical Therapy Services

Medical massage is typically prescribed therapy for pain relief as well as to restore lost function due to injury, illness or chronic conditions. Medical services are offered in either 60 or 90-minute sessions. Out of pocket costs vary and are subject to deductibles and copayments due at the time of service. Pricing up to $50 unit, not per hour.

Wellness and Relaxation Massage Services:

Sometimes you just need to relax and unwind. Wellness massages are designed for just that. Regular massage can help you to feel great and be your best as you move through your daily activities of work, sports and time spent with family and friends

**Prices listed below reflect a discount for payment at the Time of Service**

60-minute session: $ 90

90-minute session: $120

Hot Stones Add-on: $10

MVA – Motor Vehicle Accident Injury Treatment

This service incorporates multiple modalities, individually tailored to treat musculoskeletal diagnoses as prescribed by a physician for relief relating to injuries sustained in a motor vehicle collision. Service includes initial evaluation, treatment, ongoing assessment, clinical documentation, coordination of billing directly with your insurance carrier (if desired/needed); communications and coordination of care with referring providers as needed. Requires prescription. Pricing $48.75 per unit, not per hour.



Warm foot soak infused with essential oils followed by complete reflexology points stimulated for specific areas as well as overall well being. Traditional technique applying heat, stretching and percussion.

30-minute session: $ 40

60-minute session: $65